1145 Polk Street

1206 sqft of Ground Floor New Construction Commercial Space Delivered with Type 1 Hood Installed 2 Completed ADA compliant Restrooms 12′ High Ceilings Power: 400A @ 208V Gas: 2,000,000 BTU/H Type 41 ABC License for the sale of Beer & Wine in process for the space Transit Rich Corridor with High Pedestrian Footfall $6/FT plus […]

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150 Hooper Street, Unit 200
San Francisco, CA 94107
P: 415 408 5605


150 Hooper Street, Unit 200
San Francisco, CA 94107 P: 415 408 5605

Manufacture : San Jose

1608 Las Plumas Avenue
San Jose, CA 95133
P: 408 326 0591