Zenbooth Factory Tour #1

This event will feature a complete a walkthrough of the facility and of Zenbooth’s manufacturing process.

Berkeley Potters Guild Tour

This event will feature a tour of the Berkeley Potters Guild, offering an inside look at three women-run studios in the building.

Metro Lighting Tour

This event will feature a tour of the showroom and metal shop of Metro Lighting.

Artworks Foundry Tour

This tour will demonstrate how artists use this decades-old Berkeley foundry for wax casting to create beautiful bronze sculptures.

SFMaker Market

Local manufacturers and their locally made goods, inside the Ferry Building’s Grand Hall (located on the 2nd floor, and rarely open to the public).

Celebrate MFG! A MFG:SJ Forum

Local manufacturers share their journey in developing strong partnerships that foster collaboration, trust, and long-term relationships as well as the challenges they faced along the way.

About the Space

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150 Hooper Street, Unit 200
San Francisco, CA 94107
P: 415 408 5605


150 Hooper Street, Unit 200
San Francisco, CA 94107 P: 415 408 5605

Manufacture : San Jose

1608 Las Plumas Avenue
San Jose, CA 95133
P: 408 326 0591