
SFMaker Market

Local manufacturers and their locally made goods, inside the Ferry Building’s Grand Hall (located on the 2nd floor, and rarely open to the public).

Business Account Number (BAN) 101

In San Francisco, all businesses (even small ones) must register with the City and receive a BAN. Don’t have one? Join us as we dispel myths and rumors to get to the bottom of why you might want one and how getting one can open new doors for your business.

Celebrate MFG! A MFG:SJ Forum

Local manufacturers share their journey in developing strong partnerships that foster collaboration, trust, and long-term relationships as well as the challenges they faced along the way.

Manufacturer Meet Up

Flock together with birds of a feather. The manufacturing community is coming together – over pizza.

Manufacturing Week Kick-Off Event 

Hosted by the Bay Area Manufacturing Initiative for Bay Area Manufacturing Week 2023. This kickoff event features several Bay Area elected officials who will share their journey to becoming champions for local manufacturing and ideas for how to reach and inform officials in your city.

About the Space

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Please describe the property you have available or are seeking with all important details of the space.
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150 Hooper Street, Unit 200
San Francisco, CA 94107
P: 415 408 5605


150 Hooper Street, Unit 200
San Francisco, CA 94107 P: 415 408 5605

Manufacture : San Jose

1608 Las Plumas Avenue
San Jose, CA 95133
P: 408 326 0591