
Bay Area Manufacturing Initiative

The Bay Area Manufacturing Initiative, a project of SFMade, was launched in 2016 to facilitate the creation of a well-defined and interconnected regional manufacturing ecosystem.

This Initiative brings together the economic development organizations of Bay Area cities and counties to strengthen regional connections and promote the growth of manufacturing and manufacturing jobs in the Bay Area. Through regular city-to-city interactions, shared learning, and cooperation, the initiative fosters an environment where local manufacturing businesses can thrive and flourish, contributing to the resurgent Bay Area manufacturing economy.

Initiative Sponsor

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Initiative Members

Manufacturing Week 2023

October 6 - 13

Join the Bay Area Manufacturing Initiative in celebrating Manufacturing Week to showcase the importance of manufacturing to the region’s prosperity and reinforce its significance in driving sustainable economic development.

Bay Area Manufacturing Week 2023 will feature:

  • Virtual Kick Off Event: A conversation with Bay Area elected officials on their journey to becoming champions for local manufacturing and ideas for how to reach and inform officials in your city hosted by the Bay Area Urban Manufacturing Initiative on 10/6/2023 12:00-1:00PM.
  • City Hosted Events: Factory tours and presentations by local manufacturers for students and the public around the Bay Area to shed a light on the importance and diversity of the sector. A full list of events can be found here.

For sponsorship opportunities, please contact [email protected]

About the Space

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150 Hooper Street, Unit 200
San Francisco, CA 94107 P: 415 408 5605

Manufacture : San Jose

1608 Las Plumas Avenue
San Jose, CA 95133
P: 408 326 0591


150 Hooper Street, Unit 200
San Francisco, CA 94107
P: 415 408 5605